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Force on Force: Quick Draw, Shooting Under Stress & Under Fire
Is this supposed to be fun? Hell, Yeah!
Do you carry a gun for protection? Have you ever wondered how would you function during a gunfight? Do you play video games and love to shoot the 'bad guys'? If so, then you can put your skills to the test with this adventure. You'll be put you into super realistic scenarios where you will be put under fire and need to survive the encounter. People that have participated in this adventure stated that this is the closest thing to a real shootout experience that they have ever encountered.
In this adventure you will learn the following:
Advanced simulative shooting - Advanced weapons draw - Shooting while being temporarily blinded - Shooting under extreme stress - Shooting at reactive and responsive targets
After you have learned this unique set of skills, you will be put to the test through a variety of advanced force on force shooting exercises. Are you ready?
HALF Day Adventure
Please wear exercise/active style clothing and shoes
$225 per person*
Time of Adventure: Up to 4 hours total
Please note: may run 15 minutes over depending on group size.
*All shooting for this adventure will be with AirSoft*
Want to Whip ass A
little longer? Try Our SWAT TEAM Adventure!
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